Jade and the Deva – Book One: Hidden Wings

Jade and the Deva…

One of the best book series I’ve ever had the pleasure of working on!


And you can see everything that’s happening on the Facebook page:


Happy Reading!



Jade and The Deva – Book One: Hidden Wings

Project description: Developmental editor (with substantial rewriting) and writing coach on this wonderful YA Fantasy Fiction (1st in a trilogy).

This is one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of working on. A story for all generations; for now and the future.

Out Now: http://www.jadeandthedeva.com


How To Have It All by Christina Guidotti

Project description: Substantive edit on this insightful, reflective self-help book

OH FLORENCE by Pat Walker

Project Description: Editor

Early Australian Nursing- a memoir

With its title as a dedication to Florence Nightingale who was committed to the care of wounded army personnel during the Crimean War in the 1850s, and who was an inspirational figure to the author, Oh Florence enlightens the reader as to what was required in trauma nursing care before the development of the sophisticated drugs and surgical methods available in modern times. In a world without plastic and very little by way of synthetic material, the methodical recycling of linen, glass, and rubber was taught religiously. The achievements of the medical profession were remarkable under those conditions and these practices could go a long way in teaching our current society about reusing, recycling, and making the absolute best of what is available.

Order your copy now!

For more information, please refer to the Early Australian Nursing website.

To work, or not to work?

Crikey, it’s been a while since I made a post. That’s actually because I was working a lot. Too much, in fact, some might say (like the husband, kids, and occasionally the dog – his sad eyes and ears tell a tail [boom boom] of their own). Yes, that’s enough parentheses.

So as a freelance writer, how much is too much work? Well, I’ve taken some time off over the Christmas period, and though I’ve been kind of bored in one way, I’ve been revelling in spending time doing *normal things. I’ve read nearly six books since Christmas Day (would have been seven, but got slowed down by… you know… stuff), and I feel like I have some kind of control back over my life. But then I sit down and catch up on the small bits I have to do, and everyone goes to bed, and I twiddle my thumbs a bit, read a bit, channel flick and… hmph.

Am I missing having a challenge, or am I just conditioned to deadlines and worth ethics? Or is it even deeper than that? Am I tying my self-worth to my productivity as a writer and editor? I think of this latter after something the other half said about people tying themselves to their career. I guess as a working mum who took time out to study (MA) and then have children etc., getting back to work and making a success of it has its own challenges and rewards.

Yes, I like supporting the family (my husband is a student bum. Ok, so he’s a smarty farty PhD student, but still…), yes, I experience an overwhelming sense of satisfaction on creating something beautiful from words, from language… Yes, I enjoy the sensation of being both good and successful at what I do. And I think that’s ok; after more than two decades working at it, I think that’s fair trade-off. And wouldn’t anyone who is self-employed feel similarly satisfied (I draw the line at ‘smug’), on their own success and enjoyment of their job?

Clearly, I love my work. However, I would like to get back to my own work (I have two books – well, three really – to get stuck into)… And in the next few months, hopefully we won’t be relying so heavily on my income. So why do I feel I will still have a hard time stepping back from well paid work? I enjoy working with people and helping them craft something good… I enjoy the reward and satisfaction that brings… But I’m not sure that’s it. In one way, I guess my success is largely measured on my ability to bring in money, after all these years. And if I spend too much time on writing my own stuff, then that income is not guaranteed (or even likely, given the publishing industry).

Meh, would you like an article written? And would you like fries with that? After all… I do have an MA, so I’m qualified. 🙂


Can’t Walk, Can Fly by Dale Elliott

Can't Walk, Can Fly by Dale Elliott

Can't Walk, Can Fly by Dale ElliottProject Description: Completed a Substantive Edit on this inspirational autobiography.

Buy the Book


Book Description (from website):

Dale is Australia’s first and only paraplegic skydiver and was the second person in the world to skydive solo as a paraplegic. He is planning to be the first paraplegic in the world to skydive in a wingsuit. This book, ‘Can’t Walk, Can Fly’  is Dale’s story about how he adapted to his new situation, believed in his ability to succeed and achieved things he never thought possible.